July 10th – Our Birth Story

On July 9th I posted our weekly update for week 35. It is almost too perfect that in that post I made the confession that I was over being pregnant because at 4:45am that night my water broke.

Wednesday, July 9th.
The day was awful. I hurt all over, I was nauseous, the heartburn was so bad that I swear I could breathe fire, my feet were the size of watermelons and the girls were doing summer-salts to see how far my skin could stretch.

After work before Doug got home, I made to-do lists. I LOVE making lists! I covered the back of our side door so they didn’t get lost and anyone who came over could see them. I wanted to make sure if I wasn’t home for awhile everything was set. Here is a list of my lists {ha!}:

1. Instructions for how to take care of each set of pets; cats, guinea pigs and lizards.
2. When the trash came for pick up.
3. Where the recycle bin and returnable’s were.
4. Last minute items to add to the hospital bag before we left.
5. Last minute things to do before we left for the hospital. i.e.: turn the air on, close all windows, take out trash, feed all animals, etc.

Now, naturally when my husband came home he called me crazy. However, hours later I would be thanked for all my super organizational skills. After he called me crazy and asked me about my day he said the following, “Can you have the girls tomorrow? Work was so crazy today and I really don’t want to go back tomorrow.” I swear to you he said that.

That night Doug had a hockey game and I tried to go to bed early hoping the next day wouldn’t be as awful.

Thursday, July 10th
That night my cats were all over me and working in shifts. One wouldn’t get down until the other one jumped up and sat on me. I got up frequently for some milk, use the bathroom and just to MOVE. At 4am I was feeling pretty bad. Now thinking back on it, I probably felt awful because of all the contractions. Thing is, I didn’t think anything of it because I had been having contractions for weeks. Especially since baby A, my stretchy baby Amelia, pushed or flipped it would make me contract.

Standing in the bathroom at 4:45am I realized Sophie didn’t follow me in the bathroom. She was pacing outside the door and meowing very loudly. I thought it was strange. I took one step and my water broke. Thankful I made it off the carpet I was then afraid to move. My balance was already bad, feet swollen and sore and now I was standing in water. I didn’t want to slip and fall! I woke up Doug and as he stood in the bathroom doorway half asleep, squinting from the bathroom light and registering what was happening a huge smile crossed his face. He goes, “You couldn’t wait until we got more sleep?” Ohhh how everyone wishes they married a comedian! This is where my crazy lists made me the hero! We were excited but exhausted. I hadn’t slept in about 8 months and Doug had worked all day, played hockey and didn’t sleep for more than 3 hours. We didn’t forget anything. BOOM. Go me.

At the hospital things moved pretty quick. We knew I was going to have to a C-Section because the 2nd baby, Amelia, was breech and we didn’t know how big they were. Our next growth scan wasn’t until that Monday, the last measurements were a month earlier and they were just 4lbs. The operating room was packed. U of M is a teaching school so the room not only had the regular staff but then interns and residents. All of them were very excited – we were their first set of twins! I had no idea how full the room was until Doug came in and said, “Holy smokes, there are so many people in here!”

As I was in the OR getting prepped Doug was taking selfie's of him in his hospital gear.

As I was in the OR getting prepped Doug was taking selfie’s of himself in his hospital gear.

At 9:35am Abigail was born. She came out screaming bloody murder and we knew right away her lungs were okay. Hearing that first cry was surreal. That sound was our baby. Our baby and we still had one more to go! At 9:36am Amelia was born. I could hear the doctor saying, “Come on sweetie, c’mon” and I started to panic that she wasn’t breathing but the staff was laughing. Apparently Amelia had a very shocked and disgusted look on her face. She wasn’t a fan of the cool air, bright lights and all those people. Then they started screaming in unison and the room started laughing more. Doug was running back and forth between me and the babies until they got checked out. When they announced how big they were, relief washed over me and the doctors were patting me on the arm saying, “12lbs of baby! Go mama!” The girls spent 1.5 hours in NICU for low blood sugar. They had some formula and their sugar went back to normal so it was just for monitoring. Though they were not premature for mono/di twins, they were still early on the 40 week scale. Seeing their little faces for the first time was the best feeling ever. Words can’t describe the feeling of love, relief, joy, and just peace that washes over you. We made it. They were okay and actually here.

We were so lucky. We ARE so lucky. They are the best. GO TEAM V! ❤

Abigail Cecelia Vanderlooven (below)
Born July 10th at 9:35am
6lbs 1oz and 18.5 inches long

Abigail Cecelia - in all posts she was Baby B.

Abigail Cecelia – in all posts she was Baby B.

Amelia Margaret Vanderlooven (below)
Born July 10th at 9:36am
6lbs even and 19 inches long

Amelia Margaret - in all posts she is Baby A

Amelia Margaret – in all posts she is Baby A

My first time meeting Abigail

My first time meeting Abigail

Super swollen and past exhausted - only 2 hours after delivery

Super swollen and past exhausted – only 2 hours after delivery

The girls first night.

The girls first night. Abigail on the left, Amelia on the right.

My first time meeting Amelia

My first time meeting Amelia

Doug's first night as Daddy. The guests beds weren't made for Doug-sized people.

Doug’s first night as Daddy. The guests beds weren’t made for Doug-sized people.

Our first selfie

Our first selfie

Going home day! Red Wings outfits bought by Aunt Margaret. Abigail on the left and Amelia on the right.

Going home day! Red Wings outfits bought by Aunt Margaret. Abigail on the left and Amelia on the right.

35 weeks! 12 more days to go!

Hello and happy 35 weeks! Doug and I are so close to meeting our girls it is almost unreal. We are now considered full term and if they come anytime between now and 37 weeks they are not considered premature. As we’ve discussed in other posts about the different kinds of twins, Mono/Di twins are considered full term between 35-37 weeks. This is officially the home-stretch.

Sophie wasn't ready for the picture. LOL. She see's us getting ready and she runs over.

Sophie wasn’t ready for the picture. LOL. She sees us getting ready and she runs over each time.

Each day they stay cookin’ the better of course but I’m not going to lie – I’m over being pregnant. I’m 60 inches tall and 58.5 inches around. I will absolutely miss being able to feel them move around but that’s just about it. 🙂 Doug and I have truly been lucky with a smooth pregnancy in terms of the possible complications with multiples. There have been a few hiccups but nothing major and we are beyond thankful.

Doug does a wonderful job at keeping me positive as these final days creep by. I’m barely sleeping {I’m lucky if I’m asleep for 90 minutes at a time} so time moves like a snail and with exhaustion plus hormones negativity can set in quickly. He is really good about keeping me focused, helping me find something to “work” on each day and reminding me that I will not be pregnant forever.

He’s a pretty great partner for life – and he’s going to make one heck of Dad. ❤

Cheers to 12 more days — MAX. *eeeeek!!!*


34 weeks – 3 more weeks to go!

Another milestone met. We hit the 34 week marker! Good gravy I thought it would never get here. 🙂

We had two great doctor appointments yesterday. Everyone is doing wonderful. No sign of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) which can be a problem from early on to 28 weeks but can come back or suddenly start at 32 weeks. The cords and blood flow looked great and they are practicing breathing. While being monitored Baby A {who is on my left and hogs most of my belly} turned sideways. Yes, sideways. She now has her head up against her sister’s belly and her feet jammed into my left side. It is kind of weird feeling her on the left since this whole pregnancy they’ve been on the right side only. Sometimes it startles me when she starts practicing her Riverdance routine. ❤

Don’t worry, she still has plenty of time to move. It is a misconception that with multiples they will eventually get to big to move or flip around. They have plenty of time and can even flip while I’m in labor. If they don’t have enough room – they’ll just make it. So we are keeping our fingers crossed she gets all her wiggles out now and will be head down for go-time.

Sophie joined me for my photo again this week. She wasn't done getting her hair all pretty when Dad took the photo.

Sophie joined me for my photo again this week. She likes to bat at my skirt when the fan makes it move…she was planning her next attack 🙂

Doctor said only three more weeks! Mono/Di twins are at full term at 37 weeks so they would not be considered premature. Hitting 34 weeks is a big milestone. If I go into labor anytime now, they will not stop it. When my body and babies say go – WE GO!

Keep your fingers crossed that they cook a little longer. If we don’t make it to 37 weeks we would still like to make it to 35. That extra week can make a huge difference and every day inside growing is truly best. One week at a time from here on out!


33 weeks!

We are half-way through our next mini-goal! One more week until we are at 34! Mono/di twins are at full term between 35-37 weeks so anytime after 34 weeks they do not stop labor if it starts. We are officially going to the doctors now twice a week for check ups.

33 weeks. 60 inches tall and 57.5 inches around. Phew.

33 weeks. 60 inches tall and 57.5 inches around. Phew. And my sweet Sophie – who always thinks today is the day she’ll get to go in the basement…weirdo.

This week has been a swollen one and the heat isn’t helping either. The swelling is still considered normal especially for how much weight I’m holding with so much baby. My circulation {which isn’t good if I’m not pregnant} is doing the best it can to keep up. Drinking tons of water actually helps fluid keep moving so I’m still hitting that gallon mark each day. Our air conditioner suddenly stopped working on Sunday. Which seems to be a bigger deal when it’s over 80 degree’s out and you’re 8 months pregnant. It was getting rough but Doug came to the rescue and we were back up in no time!

The big thing that has happened this week is we put the car seats in! Something about looking back and seeing the two little seats really makes it sink in. WE ARE SO CLOSE. Keep those fingers and toes crossed – focus on that next goal with us – 34 WEEKS. ❤

Double Post – 31 & 32 Weeks

I do apologize for the delay in my posting! To be honest, I was just tired. Week 31 was pretty rough in terms of comfort. Sitting and typing on the computer longer than my work day just seemed impossible. Thankfully, my girls flipped on Saturday just before 32 weeks. They are both head down again and immediately I felt better. It makes a big difference in your comfort level when you have someone’s head and hands jammed in your ribs {who would have thought?}. Both being head down offers some relief in the breathing and heartburn department because they sit so low their little feet don’t reach up as far. Continue reading

30 Weeks! Small Goals = BIG Wins

Sorry this post is much later than usual. It’s been a full week of doctor appointments, busy at work, baby classes and lots of naps.

Sunday, June 1st marked 30 weeks! This is a huge hurdle for multiple moms and the doctor was thrilled to see us get there. Now we focus on small goals for BIG wins. Our next goal is to make it 32 weeks. The overall goal is to let them cook in my oven as long as possible. Remember full term is 37 weeks for mono/di twins so I will not be going past that {Squeal! That’s almost 6 weeks away!}. The reason why the doctor now focuses on short goals is simply because my body is so big – I’m officially measuring past 40 weeks. My body can’t tell the difference that there is more than one baby, it just knows it’s stretched to the max and it’s time to wrap this whole pregnancy-thang up.

30 weeks! I'm running out of clothes that fit and shirts that are long enough. Be prepared for repeat outfits. haha.

30 weeks! I’m running out of clothes that fit and shirts that are long enough. Be prepared for repeat outfits. haha.

The girls have been moving a lot. Baby A is now head up and Baby B is head down. Good golly. Baby A, who likes to sit in the middle and face my back, you can see her little body against my belly pretty clearly – especially when she stretches. Her head is right up in my ribs {thanks babe} and her butt pushes on my belly button. It is pretty cool. I’ve been trying to get a good video to post – hopefully this week!

Doug and I are wrapping up projects around the house before the girls get here. The nursery is allllmost done, all the baby clothes are clean and wall art is up, guest room is ready for Aunt Margaret and we have cars that will fit all of us. 🙂 We’re getting there. Keep positive thoughts flowing our way!

29 Weeks & Holiday Weekend Fun!

Doug and I spent the last week in the twenties of our pregnancy working on the nursery {hold your horses we’ll post pictures when it is done} and enjoying the beautiful weather. If I’m honest with you, I have felt terribly uncomfortable again this past week. As you can tell my belly is getting – well – kind of big with babies which brings on new fun each week. 🙂

29 weeks! Go Team V!

29 weeks! Go Team V! Sophie in the background was batting at my new skirt. Oh kitten.

The worst part is my feet. Due to all of the extra pressure of more than one babe, the blood supply is cut off or very limited making my feet blow up. It is a good thing I work from home because most days even my big shoes don’t fit! Also, as I’ve said before the girls sit mostly on my right side because they love to snuggle, this makes it hard to get comfortable and my back always hurts on that side. Someone mentioned to me recently, “At least you can find that sweet spot when you sleep.” Um, no. There are no sweet spots left. *haha* Just exhaustion takes over every few days and I’m totally out of it and go into a coma for a few hours. It is all worth it of course and temporary. Our girls will be here in no time {but not too soon!} and then I’ll be able to sleep…right Aunt Margaret? You’ll let mom and dad sleep? Or at least I’ll be able to put my shoes on by myself.

I swear there are bones in there. This is actually pretty "normal" ...augh.

I swear there are bones in there. This is actually pretty “normal” …augh.

I can’t go in the car for too long because the vibrations make me have Braxton Hicks contractions – that are no fun. So for the holiday weekend, Doug and I stayed local and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I LOVE flowers and since I’m unable to really get in my garden this year we went to Lowe’s to get some flower in pots that are low maintenance and hard to kill. We also bought a new car on Friday! We traded in our Fiesta {we miss you little party!} and upgraded to a Honda Pilot. We love it. Plus we have sunroof. Neither one of us has ever had one before. I’m not gonna lie – we look pretty dang cool driving around. Minus the part where I have a foot stool to get into the car. 🙂 Now our whole family can ride somewhere together. We also scooped up a little Dodge Neon just for Doug to take to and from work. It’s the perfect little commuter car. We’re back to a two car family! It’s been over a year now and we’re still getting used to it.

New family ride. Love it!

New family ride. Love it!

FAVORITE FOODS THIS WEEK: S’mores. Doug made them over the weekend and now I want more. *hint hint*

Even Sophie and Dre enjoyed the nice weather. They did a great job keeping the birdies outside :)

Even Sophie and Dre enjoyed the nice weather. They did a great job keeping the birdies outside 🙂

Happy Dougie. Steak on the grill, beer in hand and new SUV in the driveway.

Happy Dougie. Steak on the grill, beer in hand and new SUV in the driveway. Don’t worry I cut his hair. He owe’s me $20. It looks so nice. Considering the first time I cut his hair I accidentally shaved him to the scalp{truth} I’m making great improvements.

WOOO! Love me some flowers.

WOOO! Love me some flowers.

DIY Nursery Art Work – Colorful & Fun!

I LOVE DOING CRAFTS. Doug says this is one of his favorite things about me because it’s not something he would just normally do. Here is the problem with my crafting – I have it all in my head. I see a picture or combine a few idea’s and I don’t write things down. I tend to figure it out as I go. I know this can be difficult for those who are crafting with me but our project turned out perfect! Doug was a huge help and I loved that we did it together. ❤

Our nursery theme is color. We wanted a way to bring in splashes of color that was different. I found a picture on Pinterest and just went with it. It was one of those “dead links” so when I clicked on the icon in Pinterest it just went to a bigger picture. The project didn’t take us very long after we figured out what we were doing. I would say the cost was maybe $30 which is including the mirror.

{I’m not going to lie – I kind of want to do this or something similar in our bedroom with warm and grown up fabrics.}

Step 1: We purchased 10 various sized embroidery hoops and fabrics. I didn’t want them to match too much. I bought pre-cut quilting packs so I didn’t have a lot of fabric left over. This meant I had 15 fabric options and only 10 hoops. Us deciding which fabrics didn’t make the cut took a few minutes.

Step One

Hoops and fabrics.

Step 2: We steamed the creases out of the fabrics then decided which fabrics were going in each size hoop.

Step 3: Place fabric in hoops and pull tight. Think about your hoop placement on the fabric square. If you need to re-do it for any reason you can with the smaller hoops but not if you cut out a circle in the very center. Also, you can reuse the extra fabric for another project.

Step 4: Cut the fabric close to the ring but not too close that if it slips or you push on the fabric that you have no room to correct it. I would say leave about a 1/2 inch max.

Step Two

Work with the fabrics in the rings. I wanted the fabric pulled super tight to give it more finished clean cut look.

Step 5: Have your very cute crafting partner string super glue along the edge of the hoop right up against the fabric. Only do a few inches at a time. Then push the fabric down over the glue. This helps prevent the glue from drying too quickly and you going too fast! Doing a few inches at a time slows you down and you won’t have any glue drips on the fabric. By putting the glue along the edge {like where the fabric is pinched between the two hoops} it holds the fabric in place and glues the wooden hoops together.

Action shot! I think we only burned our finger tips once each. We're calling it a victory.

Action shot! I think we only burned our finger tips once each. We’re calling it a victory.

Gluing the fabric down.

Gluing the fabric down.

All the fabric cut and glued down - ready to hang!

All the fabric cut and glued down – ready to hang!

Step 6: Hang your mirror first then figure out where you want to put the hoops. We just used little tack nails since the hoops are not heavy. Make sure that your nail doesn’t puncture the fabric when you hang it. Just rest the hoop right on it.

Step 7: TA-DA! Your very own nursery art work! Super cute, not expensive and colorful.



The Internet Is A Beautiful Thing – Twin Mom’s Unite!

If you’ve known me for awhile you must know that I LOVED planning our wedding. Doug and I were engaged for 2 1/2 years while we finished school and saved money. There wasn’t one day that I didn’t count down towards our wedding date or go on a wedding website.

The best day ever. Geeze-a-loo so handsome <3

The best day ever 10-19-12. Geeze-a-loo so handsome ❤

My go to was theknot.com and they have two other websites, one for newlyweds and then one for when you’re pregnant. When we found out we were pregnant I signed up for thebump.com and started chatting with girls who were due the same month as me. When we found out we were having twins – naturally I was terrified and reached out for other twin moms to chat with who were also due in August 2014. Continue reading